Save the date!

January 20, 2011.

On that day, representatives from Weyerhaeuser will be in Richardson Hall 201Q for a drop-in information session.  Weyerhaeuser is a forest products company with their international headquarters in Federal Way, WA.  They will be on campus to provide you with information regarding their job openings.  Don’t miss this opportunity to get in with a great company that has served our students well.  Make sure to bring questions to ask.  Employers traditionally like to see curiosity in their potential employees.

If you don’t already have one, use Winter Break to work on a resume and cover letter.  Before Weyerhaeuser’s campus visit, the Student Services Office is coordinating a Resume and Interviewing Skills Workshop with the help of Career Services.  Bring your resumes and cover letters on either Monday, January 10 or Tuesday January 11 so workers from Career Services can help you polish them.

Those wonderful, new resumes and cover letters will come in extra handy.  A couple of weeks after Weyerhaeuser’s information session, the Society of American Foresters will be holding their annual job fair on campus.  This is a chance to meet employers from across the country and get your foot in the door with some great companies as well as land a summer job or a permanent job.  The Job Fair will happen on February 1 in the Richardson Hall knuckles.

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