Paid, Mentored Work Experience Opportunities

The College of Forestry Board of Visitors– a group of College alumni and friends, many of whom represent the “who’s who” in Pacific Northwest forestlands– has provided funds to the College to support mentored work experiences.  We will try to make these funds stretch as far as possible to support the work experiences described below.  First we’d like to determine from you, the students, which work for you.

The process:

1) Read through the work experience descriptions and determine which you are interested in.

2) Contact the faculty member who has proposed the work experience.  I’d suggest calling or e-mailing first, but ultimately you may want to arrange a quick visit to meet in person.  Please meet with these folks before Friday, December 3rd.

The College will try to fund as many of the work experiences as possible– funded work experiences, and the students who will be offered the opportunity to work on them, will receive notice the week prior to the holiday break.

Please consider these Board of Visitors paid, mentored work experiences.  I think you’ll find them to be very rewarding experiences.  We are trying to create as many of these experiences as we possibly can– there are more every year– because students and professors alike find much value in them.

So, here you go!  If you have any questions about Board of Visitors work experiences please call, stop by or e-mail David Zahler, 737-1346; Peavy Hall 250 (next to the SLC);

Board of Visitors (BOV)


1) Interested in Density Management?

A request from Dr. John Tappeiner regarding well-established BLM silvicultural research: Two students to work with John to visit silviculture study sites and prepare a brochure summarizing objectives and results.  There is a broad range of topics to research and present on, including effects of treatment on understory tree and shrubs, riparian zone microclimate and fish and amphibians, stream-side buffer installation and effects, neo-tropical migrant birds, lichens and bryophytes, and natural and artificial conifer regeneration.  The sites to visit are located near Roseburg, Eugene, Corvallis, Lebanon, and Salem.  Each student could receive up to $1000 in compensation with some travel reimbursement for three quarters of work.

Who to contact about this opportunity: John Tappeiner
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.3055; work e-mail,

2) Interested in Climate Change and Wildlife Effects Research?

A request from Dr, Anita Morzillo: A student to work with Anita to gather, categorize and research animal scat samples.  Once work is completed in the laboratory, students may possibly travel with a team to Gustavo, Alaska, for 1-2 weeks (summer commitment) to complete field research near Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.  Once there, students will learn to assess carnivore feeding habits, animal tracking methods, collection of vegetation, and prepare a plant reference collection.  Students could earn up to $3000 in compensation.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Anita Morzillo
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.8433; work e-mail,

3) Interested in Beaver Impact Analysis?

A request from Dr. Mark Needham: A student to work with Mark to prepare and administer a survey examining incentives and tolerances associated with impacts caused by beavers in Oregon.  The student will learn skills to administer a survey, analyze data, and present the findings.  A student could earn up to $2400 in compensation.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Mark Needham
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.1498; work e-mail,

4) Interested in Silviculture Research?

A request from Dr. Doug Maguire: A student to work with Doug to explore the different aspects of research in silviculture.  Work could include areas in fieldwork, lab work, data analysis, or report writing, and is open to shape to the wants of the individual student.  The student could also work closely with a research team of other students monitoring the soil moisture of different sites.  A student could earn up to $4000 in compensation.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Doug Maguire
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.4215; work e-mail,

5) Interested in CO2 and Fertilization Research?

A request from Dr. Kate McCulloh: A student to work with Kate to help research samples taken from the Duke Forest FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) Site.  Students will conduct measurements for hydraulic conductivity, vulnerability to embolism, capacitance, and anatomical measurements on the xylem.  This project could answer questions about drought resistance and the impact of fertilization on CO2 levels.   A student would work about 10 hours per week for $12 per hour for 30 weeks.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Kate McCulloh
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.4208; work e-mail,

6) Interested in Douglas-fir Beetle Research?

A request from Dr. Darrell Ross: A student to work with Darrell to begin preliminary research on the Douglas-fir beetle.  The student will learn to set traps, collect the data, and analyze the samples.  Students will also explore current readings in hopes to create a publication on the research.  A student could earn up to $5000 in compensation from March 2011-August 2011.

Who to contact about this opportunity:  Darrell Ross
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.6566; work e-mail,

7) Interested in Impact of Fire Research?

A request from Dr. Anita Morzillo: A student to work with Anita and field crew in the Deschutes National Forest near Sisters, OR.  Students will conduct small mammal trappings and collection for vegetation and microhabitat analysis.  After the data collection, if applicable, a student may be asked to help analyze the data in the Morzillo Lab.  Students could earn up to $3000 in compensation for 10-12 weeks of field work in the summer.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Anita Morzillo
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.8433; work e-mail,

8 ) Interested in Rural Studies Research?

A request from Extension Agent (Columbia County) Amy Grotta: A student to work with Amy to prepare a draft report on environmental quality indicators in the rural community of Vernonia.  A student will gather data from public agencies and compose the data into a draft report that they will be listed as co-author.  A student should have strong GIS and writing skills and interest in natural resource policy, watershed management, and rural sociology.  This position would require 10 hours per week for 20 weeks January – June and could earn up to $2000.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Amy Grotta
How to contact: work phone, 503.397.3462; work e-mail,

9) Interested in Growth and Development Research on Two-aged Stands?

A request from Extension Agent (Columbia County) Amy Grotta: A student to work with Amy Grotta to conduct field research, then analyze the data to help co-author an article.  Students will take the lead to set up six site visits in Benton and Washington Counties.  Afterwards, students will gather and analyze data for a larger project. Student could earn up to $1200 in compensation.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Amy Grotta
How to contact: work phone, 503.397.3462; work e-mail,

10) Interested in Southern Oregon Silviculture?

A request from Extension Agent (Josephine/Jackson Counties) Max Bennett: A student to work with Max to conduct about 40 hours of field research near Trail, Oregon, in Jackson County.  The student will then return and compile and summarize data describing reconstructed stand conditions using Standard Visualization Software (SVS).  Once a report is finalized, the student will be asked to present findings to a local group working on stand reconstructions in Ashland.   The student would work for a total of about 72 hours, with 40 hours in the field, and receive $12 per hour for compensation.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Max Bennett
How to contact: work phone, 541.776.7371; work e-mail,

11) Interested in Renewable Materials?

A request from Drs. Jeff Morrell and David Smith: 1-2 students to work with Jeff or David to develop topics to explore in green materials research, such as potential for bioenergy in Oregon, evaluating the effects of water-based treatments on laminated timbers, and use of thermotolerant bacteria.  Students will develop projects with faculty and receive guidance to carry them out.  Students could earn up to $1500 for their project.

Who to contact about this opportunity: David Smith
How to contact: work pone, 541.737.8506; work e-mail,

12) Interested in Soil and Fungi Research?

A request from Dr. Dan Luoma and Joyce Eberhart: A student to work with Dan and Joyce to study fungi content in forest soil samples.  This position has a wide variety of activities while helping with laboratory work on samples.  You will receive training in basic laboratory techniques, basic molecular “fingerprinting” techniques for DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis, TRFLP, and sequencing, training in microscope work, and learning to morphologically distinguish mycorrhizal roots and sporocarps.  Students are expected to work between 4-10 hours per week and could earn up to $2000 in the winter and spring terms, and $2500 during the summer.

Who to contact about this opportunity: Dan Luoma
How to contact: work phone, 541.737.8595; work e-mail,

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