Job Hunting

The time is almost here to be on the lookout for jobs.  Whether you are on the verge of graduating or are looking for experience to put towards your six months of required work, the Student Services Office is working hard to make sure our students find what they need.  The latest effort to get you into the field of forestry is our newly updated jobs page.  You can browse over 70 current job postings to find one that fits you and your needs.  You can find our new jobs page here.

Speaking of the six months of required work experience, have you picked up a green work experience form yet?  Come down to the Student Services Office to pick up and fill out this form.  When you’re done with it, just hand it to Steven and we’ll take care of the rest.  This is especially important to do if you are intending to graduate anytime this year.  Check with your advisor if you have questions on how much work experience you still need to complete.

Before embarking on this search, one of the best things you can do is make sure your resume and cover letter are clean.  One of the best resources for this is right on campus with Career Services.  They offer regular workshops and sessions related to being effective in the job search.  They also hold drop-in hours every Monday through Thursday from 1:00pm-4:00pm.  Go with your resume and cover letter and get instant feedback at 8 Kerr Administration Building.

Go get your planners and write down this date: the annual College of Forestry Jobs Fair is scheduled for February 1, 2011.  Several employers from the field of forestry will be attending to talk to prospective candidates about jobs, internships, and summer work.  Keep your eyes open for more info as we get closer to the Job Fair!

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