Finals are coming up.

It’s hard to believe that the term is almost coming to a close.  With that in mind, you can never start preparing for finals too early.  There are several campus resources available for you to use at no cost.  For more information, links are provided at the very bottom of this post.

Academic Success Center

The ACS encompasses a wide range of services.  Academic Success Coaching is available for those who wish to do better as students.  It is not directed towards success in a single course, but focuses more on strategizing to be a successful student in general.  Other general resources they provide are planning calendars and study tips.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center is a part of the Academic Success Center.  They provide assistance to anyone who is at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to partial or full drafts.  Call them to make an appointment with a writing assistant or visit their website for their online tips and handouts.

The Mathematics Learning Center

Located in 108 Kidder, the MLC provides students with access to drop-in tutoring.  They are open 9am-5pm Monday through Thursday and 9am-4pm on Fridays.  Aside from the tutoring services, they also provide a general studying area, solution manuals, and math software assistance.

The Collaborative Learning Center

The CLC is provided by the OSU Valley Library.  Located in the Learning Commons, the Valley Library coordinates a schedule of different departments that come to the library to provide assistance to students.  Regular attendees are the Writing Desk, the Chemistry Mole Hole, the Mathematics Learning Center, and the Physics Worm Hole, among a few others.

Counseling and Psychological Services

CAPS can provide you help in managing the many stresses you may be under.  You can call to make an appointment if you wish to talk to an unbiased party about practically anything going on.  From relationships to general stress to depression, CAPS can help you be healthier.  One of the unique programs they have is the Mind Spa.  You can relax and re-center yourself in a full body massage chair, explore biofeedback, or meditate.


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