It’s fun to see new content that is put up on the OSU Extension website. County pages continue to fill out as the web groups add events and announcements. Thanks to those who are taking the time to add eye-catching photos! It’s also important to add in contact name and email to all events, so they are ready in the coming weeks to be exported to the OSU calendar (which requires this information).

Topic pages also are filling in as more Content Teams add educational materials, and as EESC begins adding more regional and topical tags to news and publications. If you don’t know what to tag your content with, see the full list of tagging options. If you spot something that is mis-tagged or missing on a Topic page, let us know and we can look into correcting it.

Newsletters with a New Format

You can also add newsletters from any group now, and it’s the same process for all groups.

  1. Create your main newsletter landing page that tells what the newsletter generally is about or who it is for. Find a link to do this when creating a “newsletter issue” in your group.
  2. Create an individual “newsletter issue” by adding text, a link, or uploading a file, and associate it to that main newsletter page. Every issue will be tagged this way.
  3. You are only able to add issues to a newsletter that was created in your group.
  4. Finally, add that newsletter with a “button link” or select it as “featured content” on your county or program page. You only need to do this once.
  5. Check out full details in the Guides on managing content.

As with events, you need to communicate with other groups to make sure you’re not duplicating efforts and so they know the newsletter is ready to be added to their county or program pages.

Keyword Improvements

We cleaned up the keyword list that consists of 700+ terms and helps to narrow down search results and topic pages by filtering on a specific term. Keywords are custom to content you add, and it will help to keep them under control and reduce duplication if you:

  1. Reuse existing keywords if possible. As you type in the keyword box, keywords that already exist and match what you typed will appear in a list where you can select them.
  2. Use all-lowercase letters unless the keyword contains a proper noun.
  3. Try to use nouns whenever possible (instead of adjectives or verbs). E.g. “sustainability” instead of “sustainable”.
  4. Only use one “form” of each keyword. E.g. don’t tag a piece of content with both “apple” and “apples”.
  5. Don’t repeat information in other fields. E.g. if you have tagged content with the region “Central Oregon”, you don’t need to add it as a keyword.
  6. Avoid acronyms.
  7. Use keywords that could apply to more than one piece of content.
  8. Each keyword should contain a single idea. E.g. instead of “trees and shrubs” use the separate keywords “trees” and “shrubs”.
  9. Keywords need to be separated by a comma.
  10. These tips are saved in the “Getting Started” guide.

Change Your Own Profile

Finally, you can now edit your own profile whether or not you are in a web group. Just log in with your ONID at the link at the bottom of the website and you can:

  • Upload your headshot photo
  • Add or edit your bio
  • Select your expertise (to be shown as an Expert on a Topic page)

For other changes to your or other’s profiles, contact our support team.

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