Greetings OSU Extension colleagues!

This week we share an update on the overall project timeline and a few more resources that will be helpful to content teams.

Project timeline

Based on input we’ve received from program leaders and content teams–and on our project team’s remaining priority tasks–we have set the week of May 29 as the target “launch week” for phase 1 of our new Extension web presence.

This timeline allows approximately seven more weeks for content entry, programming, and design. It also provides about a month for our new content strategist to come onboard, learn, and contribute.

For now:

  • Content teams should continue to focus on content entry, consulting with the project team as needed.
  • The project team will be focusing on the highest-priority design and programming tasks, and on priority content that we manage.
  • We will consult with content teams who manage program sites that will not “live” in the new Extension website at phase 1 launch, to confirm short-term and transition plans for those sites.
  • After the “event” content type is available, we will re-engage with office managers and county leaders to review county office landing pages. We will do this as soon as possible, but at minimum two weeks before launch.

Resource updates

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