Season’s greetings to our OSU Extension Colleagues!

‘Tis the season for wrapping up (no pun intended) 2017 activities and planning for 2018. And the Extension web upgrade project is no exception.

Thank you!

It was great to connect and visit with many of you recently at Extension Annual Conference. Thank you to the program leaders and other group leaders who welcomed members of our project team to join your meetings, or otherwise used some of your valuable in-person time to discuss the website project. Thanks also to everyone who chatted with us during meals and breaks. It was helpful to hear the ideas, feedback, and questions.

After the conference, our team took a moment to celebrate the demo (a major milestone), and then got right back to work.

What’s next

Here’s what’s happening over the next few weeks:

  • Two kickoff web meetings for Ag & Natural Resource Extension work group leaders in early January
    • You’ll be able to pick which to attend based on your schedule, and we’ll record them.
    • Purpose: provide specific next steps as well as tools and process suggestions to help your groups organize and prepare content
    • We are working to schedule those meetings week and will send calendar notices and emails with the details.
    • In the meantime: If your work group has already started to organize and work together, that’s great! If you have initial questions, please contact us and we can provide quick answers to help you keep on track and moving forward.
  • Web meeting for office managers and county leaders in January
    • Purpose: Feedback and questions about (1) project in general, (2) any content that’s not being managed by a program/topic content team, (3) county presence on the new website
    • We are working to schedule the meeting this week and will send calendar notices and emails with the details.
  • Continuing to meet with content teams
  • Continuing programming, development, and site planning
  • Finalizing position description and forming search committee for content strategist. This position will be a liaison between program/topic-based content teams and EESC’s web and content strategy team.


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