Check out the updated timeline and milestones for the Extension web upgrade project. This will give you a high-level overview of what’s happening with the project–and when.

Project work continues at full throttle, but much of what’s happened to date has been behind-the-scenes planning, research, and early development. We’ve been working on things like server configuration. Super exciting, right? Probably not so much for you. So we didn’t blog about all those details.

Now, the development work and content strategy planning will shift and start to be a little more concrete and visual. In the coming months, we’ll keep sharing status updates via this project blog.

How does this project and timeline affect my site?
Not sure what this means for your site? Review the FAQs.
We will continue to consult with individual site managers, as needed.

Please contact the project team. Your feedback will help us improve our communication plan and the project blog, especially the FAQs.

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