Are you wondering what’s happening with the OSU Extension web upgrade project? Hang in there — we are recalibrating — and will have more news soon, including updated milestones and timeline.

Worth waiting for
There is some cool stuff coming down the pipeline that will make this project better in the long run, including:

  • New OSU brand
  • New Extension sub-brand (expected early fall)
  • New OSU and/or Drupal calendar–a priority feature for the project (expected summer)
  • Drupal 8.4–includes web development features essential to this project (expected summer)

We’re hiring
An important part of completing this project is filling a key vacancy on EESC’s web and content strategy team. Here’s the job posting for the web developer position. Please share!

Please contact the project team. Your feedback will help us improve our communication plan and the project blog, especially the FAQs.

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