Project timeline
In consultation with Extension administration, we have adjusted the timeline for Phase 1 milestones from late January to late March 2017. Project work continues at full throttle, to enable delivery of an excellent new user-focused, data-informed web presence and initial content strategy, as planned.

Not sure what this means for your site? Review the FAQs.

Content audit
We audited content on the main OSU Extension website — and identified and prioritized content for Phase 1 based on the project’s guiding criteria.

People/locations directory
We’ve made good progress toward priority features for the people/locations directory. Thanks to Denise Ashley for partnering with us on the current data while we develop the new directory. As usual, please send any updates for the Find Us faculty and staff directory to Denise.

What’s next
– Continue development work on priority features, including the people/locations directory.
– Continue development of initial user-friendly tags/categories.
– Design initial wireframes for page layouts. We will share examples and mockups in the coming weeks.

Please contact the project team. Your feedback will help us improve our communication plan and the project blog, especially the FAQs.

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