Over the past few weeks, your Extension web steering committee has been actively engaged in the research phase of the OSU Extension web upgrade project.

As you know, the goal of this project is to make our next generation of OSU Extension websites user-driven and truly awesome. We want OSU Extension’s web presence to become a go-to, trusted resource. And knowing that people often turn online for answers, we want to be sure they find us (even if they don’t know they should be searching for “Extension”).

What does awesome look like?

Hear what the steering committee thinks. What do you believe our website could be? Let us know in the comments, and watch for a brief employee survey this spring where you can provide more feedback.

What can you do to help?

Keep doing good work on your current websites. Respond to the survey. Stay tuned for more information and opportunities. Let us know what questions you have.

What has happened lately?

    • We talked with Extension program leaders and regional administrators. They shared some innovative ideas, and other useful feedback.
    • We’re working with the OSU College of Business’s marketing research team (Close to the Customer, C2C). They’re helping us look outward and inward for ideas on where and how people are getting the kind of information OSU Extension can provide.
    • We’re gathering basic data and analytics on our current websites. And we’re gathering ideas and examples from our peers and competitors.

If you have questions at any time, please contact EESC or anyone on the steering committee.

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