Travis Good, MAKE magazine contributing editor, OSU alum, and maker movement champion.Are you a self-proclaimed tinkerer? A maker? A rabid supporter of DIY culture? If so, consider attending a free public lecture called “A Community of Makers” on Monday, April 21 at 5 p.m at LaSells Stewart Center.

Sponsored by the colleges of Engineering and Liberal Arts, OSU Libraries, Austin Entrepreneurship Program, and Create@OregonState, the lecture will feature a talk by Travis Good, MAKE magazine contributing editor, OSU alum, and maker movement champion. He will answer the question “What’s the big deal about ‘making’?” He’ll share how making is transforming the landscape of education, supporting STEM / STEAM initiatives, and motivating people to engage in learning-by doing. He’ll also explain why making represents an opportunity for you.

Stick around for a hands-on micro maker faire beginning at 6 p.m. to see the innovative, playful, and engaging ways some of our local makers are already creating.

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  1. Pingback: on the Makerspaces thing | info-fetishist

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