Marty Ulrich, computer science major, claims fame as the designer of a “candle app” that has been downloaded more than 800,000 times and was used in candlelight vigils honoring the life of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs after his death. More…
Monthly Archives: December 2011
Computer science major seeks support for women in the discipline
Computer science major Helen Shin used a $4,000 Undergraduate Opportunity Grant to explore how engineering colleges might attract more women to the discipline and how women could be better supported once they have chosen computer science as a major. More…
Robotics scholarship opportunities increased
In recognition of the impressive talent arising in FIRST robotics competitions for college-bound high school students around the state, the College of Engineering increased its FIRST scholarship offering from one award to five awards beginning with the 2011-2012 award cycle. More… (pdf)
Moseley named Most Promising Engineering Student
National Engineers Week has named Alexandria Moseley, an Oregon State manufacturing engineering student, one of 15 most promising college engineering students, from the United Sates and across the world. More…
Feuerbacher earns OSU-Cascades’ first endowed chair
Robin Feuerbacher, assistant professor and head of OSU-Cascades’ growing undergraduate electrical engineering management program, was appointed Tykeson Endowed Faculty Scholar in Energy Engineering Management—the first endowed chair on the Bend campus. More…