Tyler Hansen

Name: Tyler Hansen

Position: Marketing writer/public information representative, OSU Extended Campus

Hometown: Tucson, Ariz.

# of years at OSU: 1 year 3 months

Best part of your job: I get to work with countless interesting people across campus and around the world. My role puts me in touch with OSU distance students who often endure a great deal in order to earn an education, and they are a constant source of inspiration. Being able to help share their stories is a privilege.

Something someone might be surprised to know about you: I taught journalism at Tucson High School before moving to Oregon. On my first day as a teacher, a student came up to me and said, “Aren’t you in my brother’s chemistry class?”

Favorite book/movie/album: My favorite movie is “Good Will Hunting,” probably because it reminds me of my childhood when I was underappreciated for my unparalleled genius. That’s followed closely by “Do the Right Thing,” “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” and “Fletch.”

Traveling team members (L to R) Tamara Hill-Tanquist, Jennifer Alexander, Claire Cross, Hanna Lounsbury and Dave King

Recently members of the Educational Outreach team headed out on a three-day visit to OSU sites around the state. The traveling team included me, Tamara Hill-Tanquist (EESC), Jennifer Alexander (EESC), Claire Cross (Summer Session) and Hanna Lounsbury (PNE).

Educational Outreach refers to three units within University Outreach and Engagement:

Check out the rest of the photos on my Facebook page.

Karen Zimmerman

Name: Karen Zimmermann

Position: Communications Support Specialist/Digital Asset Manager, EESC

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

# of years at OSU: 8

Best part of your job: One project in particular that I’m enjoying being a part of is EESC’s photo archiving effort. Being a technophile, I love working in a technology-rich environment with creative people.Not only are my department colleagues creatively gifted, but Extension, as a whole, develops such creative solutions to local problems.

Something someone might be surprised to know about you: Many people are surprised at some of my former jobs. Some are surprised that I was a state trooper, while others are surprised I was a professional opera singer (comic opera), and some are surprised I did musical comedy WHILE I was a state trooper. (Though, my backgrounds in food science and photography are more helpful in my current job.)

Favorite book/movie/album: How ’bout hobby?: Motorcycling. I love motorcycling in Oregon! Album? No particular album, but I love to blast opera or show tunes while riding my motorcycle. It keeps people from stereotyping and makes them smile.

When Justin Morrill helped craft the ground-breaking legislation that created the land-grant university system in 1860, he hoped that it would change the face of society. During the next 150 years, Morrill’s vision became the land-grant universities’ competitive advantage in the marketplace of knowledge: university-based knowledge could be extended to people beyond the university to help solve problems and improve lives. To stay competitive, the land grant universities addressed questions such as: Do we provide access to information that makes a difference? And are we maintaining our role as a respected source of relevant, objective, science-based information?

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Cycle Oregon Week Ride Route
Cycle Oregon Week Ride Route

Are you interested in exploring Oregon for a week and learning about OSU Extension Service programs throughout the state?

OSU Extension is looking for two energetic, adventurous and social students to assist with an endeavor to provide outreach to 2,200 members of the public during Cycle Oregon the week of Sept. 8-15.

About Cycle Oregon

Every year 2,200 cyclists participate in the weeklong Cycle Oregon ride. This largely urban group of riders takes to the roads and passes through Oregon’s rural communities, riding by woodlands, range, homes, businesses, and farms, often with very little knowledge about the local economies, history, and culture through which they are passing.  OSU Extension is working with Cycle Oregon to provide education, simultaneously showcasing rural communities and the impact OSU Extension has in community vitality.

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Alejandro Gonzales

Name: Alejandro Gonzalez

Position: PROMISE Intern, Linn County Extension Office

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Best part of your job: I believe that the best part of my job is traveling. This summer one of the projects that I’m working on is VEGNET, a regional pest population monitoring and reporting network for Willamette Valley growers of vegetables for processing. Since most of the insect traps are located in different towns we have drive several hours a week to go check them. Besides that, meeting new people and making connections is another great part of my job.

Something someone might be surprised to know about you: I’m guessing my background can surprise some of the people that already know me, and it can shock someone that don’t really know me. I never noticed or pay too much attention how dangerous my town was until I moved out of there. It is said that the place where I lived, was and still is the second most dangerous places in Mexico City. I grew up in an atmosphere full of violence, but like I said this never caught my attention until I came here to live in the United States.

Favorite book/movie/album: Movies: Gladiator, Into the Wild; Book: El caballero de la Armadura Oxidada; Album: Torches by Foster the People

No doubt you’ve seen several stories lately in the news about what some people are calling MOOCs–Massive Online Open Classes–with 160,000 or so students in online open courseware classes being offered by Universities such as Stanford, Harvard, MIT, through some commercial spin-off companies. (See below.). The purpose and the business model of the massive courses continue to be unclear. However, the increased profile of these classes and the new enterprises involved in their development raises questions about what it means to Oregon State?

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I’ve been asked several times recently to make observations about people who have accomplished much in their lives or careers and who are moving on to other challenges.  Promise interns, Extension cooperators, university graduates, faculty promoted and/or tenured, recipients of the Eagle rank in the Boy Scouts of America, to name some. In thinking about the traits of those who share in such honors, I’m struck by a few items.

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In December 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau announced the results of Census 2010 – the resident population of the United State is now 308,745,538.  As additional data from the Census 2010 are released, six disruptive demographic trends of the new millennium are expected to be confirmed.   A report released by University of North Carolina Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise presents these trends and the challenges they pose for the nation’s future.  I suggest that these six disruptive demographic trends will also impact who Extension’s future audience will be and how we will deliver relevant and meaningful programs.

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In the state of Oregon there are 750,000 people with some college experience  (including community college) but no bachelor’s degree. According to the Lumina Foundation, in 2008, nearly 570,000 Oregon residents fit into this category of some college, no degree — representing more than 27 percent of the state’s adult population. (Adding the 186,000 associate’s degree holders gets us to 750,000 with some college and no bachelor’s degree.) (http://www.luminafoundation.org/state_work/oregon/)

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