Karen Zimmerman

Name: Karen Zimmermann

Position: Communications Support Specialist/Digital Asset Manager, EESC

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

# of years at OSU: 8

Best part of your job: One project in particular that I’m enjoying being a part of is EESC’s photo archiving effort. Being a technophile, I love working in a technology-rich environment with creative people.Not only are my department colleagues creatively gifted, but Extension, as a whole, develops such creative solutions to local problems.

Something someone might be surprised to know about you: Many people are surprised at some of my former jobs. Some are surprised that I was a state trooper, while others are surprised I was a professional opera singer (comic opera), and some are surprised I did musical comedy WHILE I was a state trooper. (Though, my backgrounds in food science and photography are more helpful in my current job.)

Favorite book/movie/album: How ’bout hobby?: Motorcycling. I love motorcycling in Oregon! Album? No particular album, but I love to blast opera or show tunes while riding my motorcycle. It keeps people from stereotyping and makes them smile.

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