Amas Aduviri along with his staff form CAMP and TRiO/SSS treated the advisors to a lunchtime talk about the programs that he oversees. Amas provided some history about CAMP and TRiO/SSS, an overview of the programs/objectives and some updates on new initiatives.

Federally Funded program
2 programs in OR (OSU and Chemeketa)
Focus on migrant farm workers
First year program
Provides: tutors, mentors, social activities, connection to the OSU Community, provides some financial services
35 student in program
– 86% of students in CAMP finish their first year in Good Standing
– 85% of those that complete their first year enroll in second year

It is the only support program for migrant workers and is aimed at breaking the achievement gap.

Provides services to low income and first generation families
175-190 students in program
Preferred that students start at beginning of year, but anytime is ok
Students are part of TRiO throughout their OSU career
Access to Academic Counselors, summer bridge programs, first year success courses, tutoring, student success workshops, study rooms and electronic rentals, grant aid.
Must be First Gen or Low income or have a documented disability and have academic need
– 74 % persist year to year
– 76% in Good Standing
– 56% graduation rate in 5 years

Bringing online SSS STEM Program. Currently recruiting for about 120 students in the STEM fields-including social sciences.

TRiO Brochure