5 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversions

Before starting there’s a couple of things we have to understand before we can improve landing page conversion. What is a Landing Page? A landing page is a web page you are sent to after you click on the link. For example, if you were to search something on google like Apple. And click on the top link the page that you are sent to from the link would be considered the landing page.

And what is a conversion? The “conversion” or “landing page conversion” is the target action you wish visitors to take. And understanding the call to action you are asking the visitor/user to do can vary depending on the goal of your landing page. So understanding what the purpose of the landing page can help the conversion rate. Now knowing some vocabularies we can go into the 5 tips to increase landing page conversions.


What does that even mean? This is the first tip to creating a better and more successful landing page. Knowing these two acronyms NSAMCWADLP stands for “Never start a marketing campaign without a dedicated landing page” and NBALPWACG: “Never build a landing page without a campaign goal.” And the idea behind this is you shouldn’t be rushing to build a landing page or experience when you haven’t established the purpose of the campaign is. Honing in on the why and what is trying to be done is a good starting point for building a good foundation for landing pages.

2.) Pay Attention to your Attention Ratio

An attention ratio is a measure of the number of other links you have compared to the one link or button the customer is required to click on to get a conversion. This is a simple tip, the goal is to get your attention ratio as close to 1:1 ratio. So by reducing the number of other links, you may potentially have on your site can lower your ratio and heighten your chance of success in increasing your conversion rate. Another way is to be more clear and give a better sense of direction or redirect them to the action needed for the conversion.

3.) Test Your Landing Page

You won’t know what is going to be successful and what will be a complete bust until you test your landing pages. Ryan Osman at Obility does this, a/b testing to see what would have a higher rate of success and continues until he has a satisfactory level of conversion rate. One way to do this is to give potential viewers the same ad but sending them to different landing pages. Which they vary so slightly as Ryan Osman would have one ad with a short-form landing page and one with a longer form with more content to test which would be more successful. Making a small arrangement and testing it can give insight into what is effective and not.

4.) Message Match

This focuses on context and the matching of what was said or written on the ad or link before clicking on the link and being sent to the landing page and seeing what was promised. While I won’t go into depth on the 7 Principles of Conversion – Center Design, Context is one of the 7 principles with Attention, (Context), Clarity, Congruency, credibility, closing, and continuance. While all of this is significantly important I am going to focus on “Context” a simple fix that can improve conversion rates. According to MailChimp with the lack of congruence, context, relevance, and sticking to the theme, visitors sent to a page that seems to have nothing to do with the ad itself. Will automatically bounce if they don’t see a connection from the original click. So a thing to keep in mind is “Post – Click success depends on how well you deliver on your pre-click promise”. So matching your ads and what was said or written clearly to your landing page will have better success on conversion rates. 

5.) Build Credibility

Trust, a big component of getting people to trust and following through with your call to action. According to DataBox one way to help increase your conversion rate is to implement reviews to help build credibility. 88% of customers will check out reviews before making a final decision on a purchase–which is why these marketers recommend including trust signals (previous clients, awards, certifications, or testimonials) to boost your landing page conversion rates. Another way to improve credibility is to add trust badges such as “Paypal verified” etc.. and guarantees but don’t overdo them according to WordStream.com.


  • “The 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design.” Stukent, Stukent.com, https://www.stukent.com/expert-sessions/the-7-principles-of-conversion-centered-design/.
  • “MRKT 484 Ryan on Testing Landing Pages.” OSU MediaSpace, Oregon State University, https://media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/0_j1xoorhb.
  • “MRKT 484 Ryan on Testing Landing Pages.” OSU MediaSpace, Oregon State University, https://media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/0_j1xoorhb.
  • Leist, Rachel. “How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide [ Free Blog Post Templates].” HubSpot Blog, 6 May 2019, https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-start-a-blog#sm.00007ssv1q6ovdkcq1p1c0jjakt6m.
  • Hawke Media. “Increase Your Conversion Rate from Ad to Landing Page.” MailChimp, mailchimp.com/resources/increase-conversion-rate-from-ad-to-landing-page/.
  • Dopson, Elise. “16 Ways to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rates: Databox Blog.” Databox, 3 Apr. 2019, databox.com/improve-your-landing-page-conversion-rate.
  • Dane, Johnathan. “12 Tests to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate, Starting Today.” WordStream, 26 July 2019, www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2013/07/11/landing-page-conversion-rate-guide.
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