Roots of Resilience is a professional development program to help early childhood teachers promote resilience with children impacted by trauma. Early childhood trauma poses a serious threat to the well-being of children, families, and communities. With the majority of children attending early care and education prior to kindergarten, the opportunity to help them start school ready to succeed is profound.

Roots of Resilience provides the following professional supports:

  • Workshops: 2-day workshop for teachers/providers to strengthen their knowledge of trauma and resilience in children’s development, learn to use a trauma-lens, and plan and practice practical strategies for reflection and application to nurture resilience in themselves, children, and families.
  • Online course: 3-part online course that includes activities, readings, videos, case studies, reflections, and applied practices using a workbook. The course is self-paced, but participants also receive support from an instructor at Oregon State University.
  • Video-based coaching: 6-session strength-based video coaching program focused on promoting young children’s self-regulation. Coaching sessions involve education, discussion, reflection, and review of video clips of the teacher already using effective teacher-child interaction that supports children’s self-regulation development

Roots of Resilience is based on the latest science of early childhood development, trauma, and resilience. emphasis on children ages 3-5 years, but the majority of the content and strategies are relevant for working with children from birth through 8 years of age and their families.

Interested in learning more? Please click here to submit a request for workshops, online course, video-based coaching or more information.


Funding: Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, 2015-2019

Project Lead: Shannon T. Lipscomb, PhD