
Among her qualifications at a Master’s level, Fried developed a device that can be used in reclaiming protect their personal spaces from unwanted electronic intrusions, and called her technology a Social Defense Mechanisms. Personal spaces are a concept that refers to an arbitrary physical distance surrounding an individual that is innately personal, and no other individual is allowed to control apart from the owner. Electronic intrusion on the other hand refers to a process through untrusted/unauthorized people use electronic devices to enter other people’s personal space.  For instance in figure 1, we can see that for example by hand extension, it is not possible to reach a particular distance from once personal space. However, with the help of the technology in figure 2, it is possible to enter one’s personal space.1


Figure 1: inability to intrude once personal space.


Figure 2: Ability of technology to intrude once personal space.

In this regard, Fried developed a technology called Social Defense Mechanisms, which acts as an antidote, a technique that nullifies such intrusion; hence allowing privacy.   In doing this, Fried developed a wave bubble device, which is a low-power RF jamming device that can be tuned to disrupt RFID, GPS, and WiFi among other communication system (Limor, 2005). Majorly, it was designed to block cell-phone communication intrusions in mind. The Wave bubble creates a safe environment like the one in figure 3, which does not allow intrusions from other electronic devices. In addition, the device can be installed in a place like churches to ensure that immediately one enters such zones, the mobile phone switches off itself to avoid disturbing others rather than request polite cell-use.


Figure 3: The Wave bubble safe environment

Source: (Limor, 2005)

She also developed a media sensitive glass, which refers to a pair of electronically-enhanced sun glasses that can be used in darkening anything the wearer has either watched too much, or less interested on televisions (Figure 4.)


Figure 4: media sensitive glasses

Source: Limor, 2005

They are very important to people that get distracted from television screens and yet they cannot turn their eyes from the screen. They are always favorable for people that are sure that at one point, something unpleasant will pop up on their television screen, or those that are in need of cutting down their television viewing habits (Limor, 2005). This is especially important among television addicts that find it difficult to turn off their television screens or turn way from a television that has been switched on. The technology is that the glasses break the televisions hypnotizing power by either gradually or completely darkening the screen of a television.

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