Editor: Vicki Tolar Burton

Professor of English
Coordinator of the Writing Intensive Curriculum Program
Ph. D. Auburn University, MAT Duke University, BA Wake Forest University
E-Mail: vicki.tolarburton@oregonstate.edu

Teaching with Writing is the newsletter of the Oregon State University Writing Intensive Curriculum Program. As part of the Baccalaureate Core, all OSU students are required to take an upper-division writing intensive course in their major.

The content of WIC courses ranges from Bioengineering Design to the History of Photography.  While subject matter differs by department, all WIC courses share certain commonalities defined by the Faculty Senate:
• Informal ungraded or minimally graded writing is used as a mode of learning the content material.
• Students are introduced to conventions and practices of writing in their discipline and use of borrowed information.
• Students complete at least 5,000 words of writing, of which at least 2,000 words are polished, formal assignments that have been revised.
• Students are guided through the whole process, receive feedback on drafts, and have opportunities to revise.

For complete information on WIC guidelines, visit the WIC website at: http://wic.oregonstate.edu

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