RWIC Spring LUnchBy WIC Team

We are happy to announce our Spring Lunch Series schedule. This year’s topics are lively, and we look forward to the stimulating conversations that will occur. All lunches will be held on Fridays in Milam 215 from 12 to 1pm. If you have any questions regarding the lunches, please contact the WIC GTA, Kristina Lum, at As always, delicious American Dream pizza and beverages will be provided.


The topics for this year’s series are:

April 22nd – “Can We Make WIC Students Plagiarism-Proof?”

A panel of faculty from Writing I, Writing II, and INTO discuss how students can be taught citation and use of sources.

April 29th – “Mindfulness for Distracted Writers”

Vicki Tolar Burton shares research and strategies for helping writers improve focus and reduce writing anxiety.

May 6th – “What are the Roles of Graduate Assistants in WIC Classes?”

A panel of graduate students and faculty discuss appropriate roles and training for graduate assistants involved in WIC classes.

May 13th – “Writing for Audiences in STEM and Beyond”

WIC guest speaker Chris Thaiss is the Clark Kerr Presidential Chair and Professor in the University Writing Program at the University of California, Davis. He is co-author of Engaged Writers/Dynamic Disciplines and co-editor of Writing Programs Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places. He was also part of a multi-institutional NSF grant focused on writing to learn in STEM.

To RSVP to one or more of our lunches, please click here.

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