About Us

Dr. Tim Miller-MorganOregon Sea Grant’s aquatic animal health program, under the leadership of Dr. Tim Miller-Morgan, provides educational programming and service to the aquarium industry and aquarium hobbyists to help them successfully rear and care for creatures in aquarium or pond environments.

With collaborators including the Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine, the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon and Oregon Coast Community College, the program helps educate veterinarians, breeders, wholesalers, retailers, and hobbyists in all aspects of aquatic animal health and husbandry.

To learn more about our programs and offerings, and to read back issues of Dr. Miller-Morgan’s Ornamental Fish Health Newsletter, visit us on the Web.

One thought on “About Us”

  1. Hi, I just found your blog and I am really enjoying reading it. I plan on following you on facebook and twitter as well. Very informative educational stuff as well as good reading. I run a pond supply business in Easter Washington and it is good to hear some of the science behind fish and marine life and not just about products.



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