A tragic loss for the ornamental fish industry.

Last Thursday many of us lost a great friend and the ornamental fish industry lost a tireless advocate. OFI Secretary-General, Alex Ploeg, his wife, Edith, and their son, Robert, were on the Malaysian Airlines flight 17 shot down over the Ukraine. A truly senseless tragedy.

Practical Fish Keeping just published a short article about this tragedy and the impact Alex has had on the industry during his tenure as OFI Secretary-General.

You may also go to the OFI website to read some personal messages from fiends in the global ornamental fish community.

Our thoughts and prayers  are with their two daughters , Mirjam and Sandra, who must now move ahead without their parents and brother.


Dr. Tim and the AAHP.

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With Alex and Edith (second and third from the right) in Malaysia in 2011.

At the home of Raymond Cheah (Greeny Aquaculture), checking emails after a day of fish collecting.

I have some fond memories of that trip with Alex and Edith.

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