Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Sessions, Seattle – American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting

In less than 4 weeks the AVMA Annual Convention will occur in Seattle, WA, July, 11-14, 2009. We have assembled 4 days of training seminars for veterinarians and veterinary technicians with an interest in pet fish and commercial production of shellfish. Click here for a schedule of the sessions we will offer. Further, the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association will hold its Annual General Meeting and two days of clinical presentations related to symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of common aquatic maladies.

I hope to see you there.

2 thoughts on “Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Sessions, Seattle – American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting”

  1. Wow ! It can be so good having fishes as pets at home. But you cannot play with them as you do with your dogs. lOl…. hahah….

    Pet fish , as i read the name is so interesting to have at home. I would myself now like to have one.

    Pets, whatever they are, either a dog , a cat or some other things are a good time pass and they make your feel friendly in their own way.

    They need the love and affection as the little kids need. well, i really would like to know by the writer that how to cares the pet fish. haaa…. Can we touch them ….lOl

  2. Wow…I have never seen anything like this before…having your gold fish judged…Wow…pretty awesome..I truly wonder what the judges are really looking for in the winning fish..

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