Professional Development

New Western Region Extension Employee Orientation

The Western Region Program Leaders Committee (WRPLC), a committee appointed by the Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA), has developed some online resources for new employees that cover many areas central to Extension work such as history of Extension, being accountable to our funders, needs assessment, program assessment & evaluation, documenting and sharing impacts, adult education, Extension scholarship etc. These resources have elements that are common across the west and will complement each State’s efforts in providing a strategic orientation for new (and even seasoned) Extension educators. The link to these short videos is:

New Dean/Director Orientation

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) has provided links to the three parts of a pre-workshop webinar held last 12/5/17. Extension Directors and Administrators are encouraged to use the videos as background information for Land-Grant University administrative roles.  

ECOP Professional Development Webinars


Tools & Resources

2014 Centennial on the Summit: Looking Forward