Western Extension Directors’ Awards of Excellence
2018 Request for Applications

Western Extension Directors Association

Awards of Excellence: 2018 Request for Applications

The PURPOSE of the Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA) Awards of Excellence is to recognize Extension outreach education programming that has achieved outstanding accomplishments, results and impacts in addressing contemporary issues in one or more of the 13 Western states and territories.  It is anticipated that recipients of the award will include mature programs with documented impacts.

The AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE may be given annually to recognize up to three programs (state and multistate combined) which represent the work of an individual or multidisciplinary team within a single or multistate setting. If warranted, at least one of the awards will be given to a multistate program. An Honorable Mention award(s) may be granted, if deemed warranted by the review committee.

WHAT IS A PROGRAM? For the purposes of the Awards of Excellence, the following definition will be used: An extension program is a group or series of presentations, workshops, functions, demonstrations or other events and activities that form a comprehensive outreach education curriculum, methodology or process that facilitates learning in volunteer audiences over time through the adoption and application of new knowledge and skills. For example, a conference developed and offered to address nutrition needs for teens would be an event rather than a program. The conference, however, may be one of many components that make up an Extension Teen Nutrition Program.

APPLICATIONS: Awards of Excellence applications should be submitted only for programs as defined above. Applications may be submitted only by Extension Directors from states that are members of the Western Extension Directors Association. Previous regional Award of Excellence winning programs cannot be resubmitted. Programs nominated for Regional Awards of Excellence, but not selected, can be resubmitted for future consideration. Applications must address Criteria 1-7 in three pages or less in length using font size 10 or larger in a Word document. A fourth page may be used as a brief bibliography to cite the key references used in developing and enhancing the program (see criteria #3). Applications should be written so that a reader totally unfamiliar with the program will have a reasonably good understanding of the program and its impacts. Anyone may recommend potential awardees by completing and submitting an application package. Self-nominations are appropriate. All applications must be submitted by the Extension Director to be accepted for consideration. Applications will be limited to two state program submissions per state or territory per year. Applications will be managed, reviewed, rated and recommended for the Award of Excellence by the Western Extension Program Leaders Committee. See Application Format below.

ABOUT MULTISTATE APPLICATIONS: Programs designed and delivered to address issues in multiple states are strongly encouraged.  Applications for multistate awards are required to describe the characteristics of the partnership by including the following: 1) identify collaborating faculty/staff from participating institutions, 2) describe the role of each participant in the collaboration, and 3) characterize the relative contribution of each participant as a percentage of the entire effort (so that the sum of all contributions is 100%).  Multistate applications may attach one additional page to describe the characteristics of the partnership.  When a state submits a multistate application on behalf of a program, the multistate program(s) may be submitted in addition to the two state programs.  A state submitting a multistate program is encouraged to inform the other states that are partnering on the program.

COVER PAGE: Please include the name of the program; the institution submitting the application (lead institution if multistate); the name, title, address, phone, fax and email of the contact person for the program; a brief abstract (no more than 150 words) of the program; and if it is a team or multistate application, list those collaborating on the cover page, and the names, titles and locations of the team members as part of the characteristics of the partnership. See Cover Page format.


Please use the application format to address the seven categories presented below. Applications should address as many of the seven criteria as apply to the program, but should not address non-relevant criteria. Please note that all criteria are not equally weighted.

  1. ISSUE & SITUATION: Presents clearly the needs/situation of the issue addressed. Why is the issue important and what was the situation prior to the implementation of the program (10 points)?
  2. STAKEHOLDERS & INPUT: Identifies audiences/customers/stakeholders, and clearly describes the process(es) used to obtain their input into program development and implementation. Who does the program target, and how was their input obtained (10 points)?
  3. EXTENSION FOCUS & RESEARCH BASE: Emphasizes the Cooperative Extension outreach education focus of the program, while presenting the key research and/or experiential learning upon which the program is based. (Explain what was done).  A brief bibliography citing key references used in developing the program should be listed on page 4, if needed (10 points).
  4. MULTIDISCIPLINARY & COLLABORATIVE COMPONENTS: Presents the key multidisciplinary components and collaborations/partnerships needed for success of the program. Explains the role of each to the program. Do not just list disciplines, collaborators and partnerships without a statement of why/how they were important to the program (10 points).
  5. INNOVATIVE APPROACHES: Describes innovative approach(es) used to effectively address the issue. Clearly explains why the approach, method, program, etc., is viewed as innovative. Note: While innovation is strongly encouraged, and will be considered in the ratings, all program proposals submitted that show significant impacts/outcomes/results will be considered for an award (15 points).
  6. IMPACTS ACHIEVED: Identifies the evaluation methods used and clearly presents the significant impacts, outcomes and results achieved by the program in addressing the issue (30 points).
  7. SCHOLARLY PRODUCTS DEVELOPED: Presents the scholarly products developed for use by clientele and peers in support of the program. Scholarly products developed may include, but are not limited to journal articles, magazine articles, education manuals, fact sheets, new curricula, new web sites, video and other digital technology (15 points).

AWARD PRESENTATION: The Awards of Excellence will be present to the recipient(s) at the Western Extension Directors Association meeting in July. The recipients(s) will have an opportunity to give a brief seminar for the Directors at the time of the award presentation. Winners will be asked to provide a photo and abstract of their presentation for inclusion in the Awards brochure.

SUBMISSION INFORMATION AND DUE DATE: Each application must include, as presented above: cover page, application form addressing criteria 1-7, references used and must be submitted by the state Extension Director. Only electronic submissions of the application will be accepted. The due date for all submissions is 5p.m., Friday, March 16, 2018.  Please send the electronic application (with “WEDA Award Application” in the subject line), to Barbara Petty’s assistant, Debbie Rigby, at drigby@uidaho.edu.



Western Extension Directors Association
Awards of Excellence

Name of Program

Name of Institution Submitting the Application (indicate if program is Multistate)

Name of Contact Person for Program Being Submitted
Title of the Contact Person
Complete Mailing Address
Telephone Number; Fax Number
E-mail address

Abstract (no more than 150 words):

Name of Team Members, Titles and Locations