What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

When ranking your webpage it can be helpful for your business that it is a higher rank than others but can bring down your business if it is a lower rank. Here are some helpful tips you can use to get your ranking higher for your webpage:


If you are just starting your company and getting the website published to your customers you most likely aren’t going to get the bids for the top keywords you are looking for. Getting those moderate keywords for your website is going to be helpful when people look up your keywords on google. Also having multiple keywords will help people bring you to your site. Some of the keywords may be on your landing page but some may be on specific products that you have in different categories within your website.

Click Through Rate

Part of googles ranking system is comparing your websites clock through rate to the bounce rate. It takes in how many times your site has been clicked on when your keywords show up in the google search. The more clicks that a website has the higher the rank will be on google. Google also looks into the bounce rate your site is having. If your website isn’t something that the customer is wanting to experience they are just going to click the back button and will continue to look at other companies. The design of your website is going to be a big factor if someone is going to click back and look elsewhere or continue on your site.


Something that might be very small will play a big role. Reviews are something that people look at when they are trying to purchase a product. With the popularity of the internet people are going to be looking at our your companies products are compared to other. They will review your products on the quality of the product but also the customer support if anything were to go wrong. Leaving these reviews on your product and highlighting them on your page can get people to click more on your website and not the back button


When getting up in the ranks on certain keywords you should be using the keywords that are relevant to what you are selling. A company that is selling running shoes should try and get the keywords that are for furniture. Continuing with the example, if you are a shoe company you should try and get keywords for different kinds of shoes or even socks if you are trying to get them to buy the socks that work well with your shoes.

Short Load Times- 

When searchers are going to many different websites on the internet the first thing they will notice is the load time for the website is slow. Even if the website takes a few seconds to load they will most likely hit the back button. Making sure that your website loads within a second will help better your chance of getting your website ranked longer because more people will be on the website and not skipping over it.

With these few tips it will help increase your ranking in your website and help the business grow.


Hammock, Ty. “Why Is My Website Not Ranking? 6 Link-Based Answers.” Monitor Backlinks Blog, 11 Apr. 2019, https://monitorbacklinks.com/blog/seo/why-is-my-website-not-ranking.

“Create a Website.” Quicksprout, 2 Jan. 2019, https://www.quicksprout.com/ranking-factors/.

“Chapter 4: On-site SEO, Chapter 5: Off-site SEO” Digital Marketing Essentials, by Jeff Larson and Stuart Draper, Publishing by Edify, 2018.

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