5 Ways To Increase Landing Page Effectiveness

Landing pages are essential to inbound marketing efforts; these destination pages are how any e-commerce platform can convert site visitors into purchasing customers. This begs the question, if you have a landing page and it is not working successfully, how can you improve your page? A large part of landing pages are concerned with obtaining email addresses. Often when you “land” a pop up will request an address, this allows the seller to customize marketing tactics and deliver them to each customer directly. According to Whittemore, this allows the marketer to “lead nurture,” which converts an interested and qualified lead into a customer. Whittemore argues that successful landing pages have an offer presented to potential buyers which entices them to provide their email address for an email list. Lowery advocates that there are two essential types of landing pages, “click-through” landing pages and “lead generation” landing pages. Lowery claims that click-through pages ultimately send the customer to the product page, whereas lead generation  pages function to support email marketing campaigns. In addition, Lowery pushes for landing pages with powerful text use to optimize effectiveness. I agree with these proposed ideas because the landing page is the first thing a customer sees when the encounter a site, therefore it is going to leave a lasting impression with the customer and serve a great purpose within the marketing funnel as we studied last week. 

Articles mentioned:

Whittemore https://www.simplemarketingnow.com/content-talks-business-blog/bid/158884/what-is-a-landing-page-and-how-does-it-work?hs_amp=true

Lowery https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.bufferapp.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-creating-effective-landing-pages/amp

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