It looks like the Unity3D team has posted videos of most of sessions from their UNITE14 conference here:
(58 total). Just mentioning in case anyone wants to check out a talk they couldn’t reach during the show. And for those who didn’t go.

My top five picks:
– “Designing Motion Control for Games and VR” was about using Leap Motion with the Unity asset store package (mostly it offered lots of fun examples. Pretty lightweight).

– “Life after Kinect” was a very inspiring overview of fulfilling the promise of Kinect across PC and PS4 platforms (now that MS has kinda ditched it). All about bigger picture stuff, but it totally spoke to me.

– “CounterSpy: Dynamighty’s path” was very interesting, from a “what are the hardest parts of porting to consoles” perspective. (there is also a pretty dry “Self Publishing with Unity on PlayStation” that had some good deets).

– “The Reality of Authoring in the Virtual Frontier” was kind of all over the place, but I thought a lot of their VR goggle tips and tricks (and fails) were fascinating to consider.

– “The Hack Spectrum: Tips, Tricks and Hacks for Unity” blew my hair back. Some good “real” programming talk.

If you have a favored talk, I’d like to hear about it.
(hoping to post a summary of my notes sometime in the next month or so)

Also, I whipped up a little trip report video for fun.
It’s NSFW due to a couple bad words in the background music. And I guess it’s generally bizarre and jarring and aweful (definitely a “you had to be there” inside joke approach). Dunno why my guts insist on anti-viewer editing choices (* blame it on lack of sleep due to children), but … my guts get whats they wants.

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