fw312-silhouetteThis week we added 24 new birds to this “silhouette shape recognition” interactive for FW312.
This is the 3rd time we’ve expanded this tool, and it serves as a nice reminder that Ecampus can continue to help improve your course materials year after year.

Last year we created a series of labeling tools (1 2 3), family classification tools (5 6 7 8 9), and a beak memory game for this class, each of those projects has stayed exactly as we left it. The silhouette shape recognition game, however, has been revisited and improved on three different occasions.

How do these updates work? Well, the tool was created in such a way that it’s very simple and fast :

  • the instructor or TA can just use Google image search to find the exact birds they would like to add,
  • they email us a list with a couple dozen links to these images.
  • We then draw a detailed cartoon based on each link,
  • and then slap them all into the Flash project.

The whole turn around takes about a day, and we’ll be happy to offer this service as long as we’re asked.

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