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Finding Home: True Gibson

Investigative Diagnosis Society member, True Gibson

True Gibson is a member of the Investigative Diagnosis Society. The club presents mock medical cases and members ask questions to determine the diagnosis. They also learn about different diagnostic tools as well as the disease presented.

Who can join? Why join?
Anyone can join the Investigative Diagnosis Society (IDS). There are no prerequisite considerations like major, background or career plan at all. This is a great time to get involved because we are a relatively small club, so member interaction is very engaging and several officer positions are available.

What is the community like?
My experience is that the IDS community is very welcoming, but also very focused. While anyone from any major or background is happily welcomed into the weekly discussion, the group understands that we are all here to learn. Discussions can become intense, such as when two people are arguing over whether this or that disease is the correct diagnosis of the particular case we’re investigating. Discussions, however, are always respectful, and everyone is given a chance to speak their mind.

Learn about the society


Home Away From Home is a series created by undergraduate Santiago Garfias-Miranda and published by University Marketing to help students find their community at Oregon State. Find your home away from home in one of OSU’s over 400 student clubs and organizations. Explore the full series here.

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