Did you know that much of the research on how people age has been done with WWII and Korea-era veterans? The WWII generation had especially high rates of military service (nearly half of all men), and a quarter experienced combat. How this generation aged may reflect their experiences in the military. But subsequent generations often had very different military experiences, and we don’t know if this will affect their health and aging in the same way.

Researchers at Oregon State University are conducting a pilot study on the long-term effects of military service, both positive and negative, on veterans’ health and well-being. If you are a veteran from the Vietnam (1964-1975), Persian Gulf (1990 – 1991) or OEF/OIF/OND (2001 – current) eras, they would love to hear from both combat and non-combat veterans.  They estimate that it will take about one hour to complete the on-line survey.  For completing this survey, you can receive a $20 gift card. All responses are confidential (to the full extent of the law).

Here is a link to the survey: http://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3q4Fq0fEu1z80lL

If you would prefer to receive a paper and pencil version of the questionnaire, please call the Center for Healthy Aging Research at 541 737-9241, and they’d be happy to send you out a copy.

3 thoughts on “Oregon State University researchers study the long-term effects of military service.

  1. Pingback: Oregon State University researchers study the long-term effects of military service. – Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs

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