2015Temp_Fall_Fire_IntOutreach Administrative Support


You can apply to an open announcement 15-TEMP-R5462-5TSI-DT-MC which opens June 12, 2015.

Please apply  No Later Than June 18, 2015 to:                     Announcement Number: 15-TEMP-R5462-5TSI-DT-MC      through the USAJOBS website at https://www.usajobs.gov.      For more information, please contact  Randi Paris  at (350) 623-1768 or rbparis@fs.fed.us

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


Frances E. Lindquist Civil Rights Officer
Forest Service

Shasta Trinity National Forest, Redding

p: 530-226-2367 c: 530-605-6313 f: 530-226-2480 franceselindquist@fs.fed.us
3644 Avtech Parkway Redding, CA 96002 www.fs.fed.us

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