Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Fund

Forrest Schweiger, son of Advanced American Diving Service co-founder Konrad Schweiger, lost his life in a construction accident in 1999 at age 26. To honor and commemorate Forrest, Advanced American Construction, Inc. of Oregon City, OR, formed the Forrest L. Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Fund. With the untimely death of Konrad Schweiger on April 11th, 2002, the Fund’s name was changed to the Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Fund.

The Fund provides annual scholarships to applicants wishing to pursue educational excellence in construction and construction-related fields.

The Memorial Fund awards annual scholarships to selected students at the Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Awards Banquet each Spring.

Thanks to the generous financial contributions received from our friends, 181 scholarships, totaling $467,000, have been awarded since the program began.

Applications and Additional Information

Scholarships have been awarded for 2013-2014.  Please check back periodically for information on upcoming 2014-2015 application details.

Please mail the original application to:

Schweiger Memorial Scholarship Fund
c/o Advanced American Construction, Inc.
P.O. Box 83599
Portland, OR 97283

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