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Roberto–Soul Food Cafe experience  March 3rd, 2010

I had a pretty busy week this time. I had two midterms already, one from chemistry and the other one from Math. I feel like I did well on those midterms, hopefully. You know sometimes we feel like we did 100% well on the exams, and at the end we get lower compared to what we expected. Like I said, I had a pretty busy weekend but it was good because I can say that really did something and not just being bored doing anything.

I want to talk about my experience at the Soul Food Café. My experience can be described in only one word, and that is amazing.  I went to the Soul food Café event after my CAMP class which ended at 6:00 pm. When I got out from the class, I was rushing to get the McNary dining. I was really tired and hungry that day, and I just wanted to get there to grab some food to eat. When I got there I was really surprised. As I was getting inside McNary I got the sense that that environment was so moving. I wanted to walk all around and see what was going on. I heard good music going on, people were walking around, and other people were eating, laughing and having a good time.  As I was getting in, I realized that a jazz band was playing live, and that got even more excited. I got really keyed up when I heard the keyboard solo as the band was playing. You know I love to play the piano, and seeing someone who plays the keyboard made feel really energized. That was one of my favorite parts of such event. Also, the food was great, and I loved those pieces of the meat, and the fried bananas. Many people were walking around McNary, and the environment was perfect as for someone who just wanted to have a good time, and forget about the stress from our classes, midterms, and just to have a good time, and get relaxed.


Lizeth–Recycle Fashion Show  March 2nd, 2010

Hi Everyone

For the past two weeks it has been nonstop homework and studying, but now that I have started to meet different people on my floor they have been able to help me with the problems I have been having with my homework. Winter term has flown by also, in just three weeks we will be going home, and once again be reunited with our families. I have missed mine so much and this term has been tougher than the last. This week I attended the 20th annual recycle fashion show. If you ever attend Oregon State University I think it is an event that everyone must go and see. They had all kinds of awesome and very well designed outfits and dresses. There was a large spectrum of how the designs were made. They ranged from a Caprisun dress to a bridal gown. My personal favorite was the bridal gown, which was made from dryer sheets! The designer used the dryer sheets to make origami roses to make the bottom of the dress and made over 500 of them. It was a well-organized event and I enjoyed it a lot. As I am writing this write now tsunami waves are hitting Hawaii and I hope everyone makes it out ok. Have a good weekend!


Lizeth–An Amazing Opportunity  February 8th, 2010

Hi everybody!

I can’t tell you how much this weekend is needed! This week was very stressful. I had a ton of homework, which is never ending and is piling up as I type. It is scholarship time again and I have not started any yet. It puts a lot of stress on you because on top of having that on your mind you have your schoolwork, meetings, and work on your mind. Don’t let all this work scare you though because at the end of the day this is an opportunity some people in the world would kill to have. This chapter in your life is also where new experiences happen and where you will make relationships that last you a lifetime. I am very fortunate to have met people that will help me in anyway they can. OSU is a very “homie” place where you feel welcomed and I know I say that a lot, but I can’t say it enough. This place has already matured me so much and has shown me that the things you want and desire in life are hard work and don’t come easy. While you are doing all this work the time flies by, without you even noticing, we are already half way through our winter term and I feel that we just arrived and started last week. This feeling is insane and sometimes makes me feel emotional because to think that I am actually doing this, going to college, and am going to have a degree someday just makes this experience a thrill and a ride of a lifetime. I hope you all decide to go to college and have the same opportunity I had. Well, I hope you all have a good and safe weekend.


Roberto–Busy Week (1.29.10)  February 5th, 2010

I had a busy week this time, and even overwhelming. But I think it’s good because that means that I’m working and maintaining myself busy.

I had my first midterm on Monday for my chemistry class. The test was pretty intense but I felt confident doing the test.

Even though I felt confident about that test, when the result came out, they were different than my expectations. Because of that I was questioning myself of why did that happen? I felt ready for that test, and I felt that I did well. But it turns out to be the opposite.

Fortunately, it wasn’t a really bad grade but I was expecting a higher grade. When I was eating lunch at McNary dining with a friend of mine she was talking to me about how she was facing the same problem as me.

She got a poor grade on her midterm even though she wasn’t expecting it.  She studied a lot, and at the end it happen all the opposite. In my opinion, it happens, and sometimes the things aren’t always the way we expected; sometimes we win and sometimes we lose.

But I think the key is to never stop trying, and that what will help us to prevail here at College.

I remember every time went to bed, I was exhausted, and the good thing was that my bed in Callahan was soft and comfortable to sleep.

That’s the good thing about living in dorms.  I like my room, and I think it’s a good option to live in dorms.

Also, during this week I had to write my first paper which was very frustrating  because I didn’t know how to start my paper, and I was confused. When I realize that I didn’t know what to write about I just start to watch some episodes of Dragon ball GT, my favorite cartoon, on YouTube. That might sound funny but I got kind of relaxed after watching  that program and I then I felt less frustrated when writing my paper.  That’s my way to get relaxed, and everyone has their own ways too.

Tara Sanders–Healthy Habits…That May Ward Off the Flu!  February 5th, 2010

You may be noticing signs of spring as you walk along campus…the sweet smell of the daphne flower blooming and crocus flowers  bursting out of the ground….although spring is approaching, we are still in what we call “flu season”.  While the flu season varies from year to year, on average, it lasts through March.

The good news?  Healthy habits can reduce your risk for getting sick.

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention advises these good health habits for flu prevention

  • Practice good hygiene!
  • Eat nutritious foods
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Be physically active
  • Manage your stress levels
  • Get plenty of sleep

There are some key nutrients that will give you an immunity boost.  Try some of the highlighted choices at our UHDS dining centers.  Not only do they taste great, but they may provide you with a little extra protection this flu season.

  • Beta Carotene, an antioxidant and source of Vitamin A, is found in dark leafy green or bright orange produce such as carrots, yams, cantaloupe and spinach.
  • Vitamin C, an antioxidant, is found in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, citrus fruits, mangoes.
  • Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is found in whole grains, nuts and seeds such as brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, flax seed and walnuts–all great sources.
  • Zinc, a mineral known for its cold fighting abilities, is found in most breakfast cereals, nuts, beans, poultry and red meat.

Be Well!

Tara Sanders

UHDS Dietitian

Roberto–First Blog from Our New Blogger! (1.22.10)  February 3rd, 2010

Its been a tired week like all of them because I have to do my homework, take care of my internship and try to stay on top of everything.   This coming Monday I’m having my first midterm for my chemistry class, and so I have to study a lot, and get ready for that test.  It’s my second term here at Oregon State University as a freshman student, and it has been two weeks since I just started my Winter term. Unfortunately, I didn’t begin the term the way I was expecting; however, I would say that I’ve learned my lesson. I think that even  though everybody makes mistakes; the good thing about it is that we can learn from them. I started to get behind on my math class for I did my math homework on the same day it was due. I didn’t have enough time to do it, and today I got the results which were not that satisfying. I think it happens, and I have to learn from this lesson.

These days, I’m starting to catch up on my homework. This experience totally woke me up and I will try not to procrastinate.

Now that I have a time to think about why I chose to live on campus, I would say that one of those reasons were because I wanted to live in place close to my classes so wouldn’t have to travel that much to get to my classrooms. Back when I lived in Hillsboro, I remember when my older brother Gregorio who goes to Portland Community college in Portland, traveled for about half an hour to get to school.

Traveling took a very huge part of his time. I saw how he struggled to woke up early in the morning to go to school and I realized that the best way to save time was by living on campus.

The first time I move to Corvallis, which was about 6 months ago, I remember I felt nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I didn’t know almost anybody, except my friends from the CAMP program.

Every place I went, I saw orange colors all around, and I realized that Oregon State colors were very popular. Also, I felt so keyed up to begin a new stage of my life, and knowing that I was going to meet a lot of people and take very hard classes. Today I can say that I was right, because in the Hall where I live which is Cahalan Hall, I have met a lot of nice people and especially my floor.  When my parents came to visit me during the second month after I moved, they were so surprised that almost everyone in my floor knew me. Even my mom told, ?Ya te volviste bien famoso?, ?You have become very famous?  Hearing that made me started to laugh, and I was happy to realize that I wasn’t a stranger here at OSU anymore.

I totally like the dining Halls, and my favorite place to eat is McNary Dining because the food there is good and above all, it is right in front of Callahan. That means that don’t have to walk very far to go to eat, because the food is right in front of me. As well, inside McNary I love to go to eat to the Boardwalk place, and my favorite food is Chinese food, especially Teriyaki beef with brown rice.   I love that plate and it makes me happy after eating it for like my grandpa says, “pansa llena, corazon contento”– “stomach full is a contented heart.”  One final thing, have you realized that the time is passing by so fast? The answer is yes, and we can’t waste our time doing nothing. That’s why my goals for this term are to stay on top of homework, and  enjoy life here at college in every way I can, like going to church, and get involved in school and do all the things that will shape my life.

Tara Sanders–“Social Networking” at the Wellness Round Table  January 26th, 2010

Interested In “Social Networking”? Check Out Dinner in UHDS Dining Centers!

We have begun the Wellness Roundtable Series and it has been a pleasure to meet you and observe the “dinner scene” in UHDS dining centers.  Dinner is a much more relaxed and social and lacks the busy, driven pace that the lunch hour takes on.  Dinner is definitely about slowing down sharing a great meal  (and laughter) with friends.

It is no surprise that we like to eat together and studies show that social eating can be good for us by improving our sense of “social connectedness” which contributes to our overall sense of well being.  Some studies show eating in a social environment can actually improve one’s overall nutritional status; this is particularly the case for those who are socially and physically isolated.

There also can be relationship between social eating and weight gain and we may eat more calories when we are with others than we do when we are eating alone.  We also tend to take in more calories when we eat at restaurants compared to when we prepare food for ourselves.

On a bright note, we can also positively influence on each other….studies show that people with strong social ties (couples, friends, family members) that exercise and engage in healthy eating together have improved success in weight loss and overall health outcomes.

So by choosing a nice crisp apple for a side or a snack you may improve your health and you may be a positive influence on your friends!  Give it a try!

I’m looking forward to meeting more of you at the Wellness Roundtable, a fun “discussion over dinner” group in the UHDS dining centers for any and all that would like to join.  Look for the Wellness Table Talk sign in the dining centers; that is where we will be meeting. Scroll down my January 5th blog to view timeframes and topics of discussion.

See you soon!  Be Well!

Tara Sanders

UHDS Registered Dietitian

Lizeth–Back to OSU  January 25th, 2010

Hi everyone:

The upcoming week is going to be my fourth week back, since the winter break, and the start of midterms once again. Last term was very stressful trying to balance all my time with the activities I was doing and the amount of homework I received. This term I think is going to feel less of a workload, although it is not, because I now know what to expect and have found the way to manage my time wisely, while still investing a large portion of time into my studies. I feel like I belong here at OSU and for the next four or five years this town is going to be the place I call home. When I went home for the winter break I felt more matured and that I connected more with my family and the friends who didn’t have the opportunity to go to college. I feel I understand my parents more and why they make the decisions they do. I am really grateful for them and am so happy they pushed me as hard as they did, so that I could do the best I could in school, to get me where I am today. I am excited to see what this term is going to be like and hope for many new adventures and experiences. Have a great weekend,


Lizeth–Home for Break  January 5th, 2010

Well this term is finally over and I am now in my hometown, Brookings, Oregon. It feels awesome and great to know that I have finished my first term in college with straight A’s, and that I survived the emotional rollercoaster that college puts people through. When I finished my last final I felt overwhelmed with happiness and also felt no more stress, because I knew I was going to get to go home and enjoy the company of my family. When I arrived at home for the second time since the beginning of the school year it made me feel so good. I really missed my family and their crazy way of being and doing things. My mom cooks me my favorite meals and really shows me how much she has missed me over the few months I have been gone. When I went back to my high school, to watch a basketball game, it felt different and weird to be back again and see the changes while I was away, but it was good to see my old teammates and other friends and just be able to catch up and talk. Being away from OSU is a relief because I don’t have to think about homework, tests, papers, and all the other activities college requires. I do miss the friends I made and the independence I had in OSU, but I will be there soon and have all those things again. Now that I am home I am taking it pretty easy, relaxing, and catching up on the sleep I missed doing assignments and studying for tests. Overall, my first term in college was a success. I made many memories and friends, accomplished my goals for the term, gained new experiences being a student and an intern for university housing and dining services, and learned new techniques to succeed in school. I also discovered that college is not a scary place where everyone tries to make your life difficult.  It is a place where you grow as an individual, find out who you really are, and expand your knowledge. College is hard most of the time, but after experiencing all the great things I have I would never want to go back to high school. Well I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Years!


Tara Sanders–Wellness Table Talk Blog  January 5th, 2010

Welcome back to OSU!  Hopefully your break from classes was restful and enjoyable!

I’m looking forward to meeting with you all for the Wellness Table Talk Series beginning this term.  This will be an informal and fun “discussion over dinner” group that will meet in the UHDS dining centers for any and all that would like to join.  Look for the Wellness Table Talk sign in the dining centers—this is where we will be meeting.

The meeting schedule will be the same each month for the following dining centers:

McNary: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 5-6 PM

Arnold: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 5-6 PM

West: 4th Tuesday of the month, 5-6 PM

Here is a sneak peak at some of the topics we will be discussingJ Although we will talk a bit about these topics, the conversation will be open to any and all wellness related topics you all would like to discuss!

January: Immune Boosting Behaviors

February: Make Your Calories Count: Energy Balance

March: Fruit and Vegetables: Why Color Is Important

April: A New Look At Sodium: Can It Cause High Pressure?

May: The Power of Whole Grains

See you soon!  Be Well!

Tara Sanders

UHDS Registered Dietitian