What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

To verify why your webpage doesn’t rank, there are some aspects that you might need to check: relevance, target search phrase (key words), and creating high-quality web pages.

How relevance influence your ranking on searching engine? This is a great question to ask yourself before you make any change. Uniform Resource Locator is an address of worldwide web page. If you are an online retailer (Sam’s Premium Coffee Bean), sells coffee beans from different areas. You must make sure that your brand name and products both shows on the URL; otherwise, searchers are not able to visit your web pages by URL. Here is the example, if your URL of the landing page is www.SamPremiumCoffeeBean.com. You need to add different categories for your web pages, such as natural beans, washed beans, Arabica, Colombia, Blue mountain, and Mandheling in your main title and sub-title. The reasons why this method can improve your ranking because this method can build your website logically and simplify the searching process for your visitors.

Target search phrase (key word) is another important factor why your web page doesn’t rank. Basically, the direct impact for target search phrase are competition and relevance. The competition of target search phrase means how popular the key word is. Unfortunately, coffee bean is number twelve ranking which means that coffee bean is a high competitive key word in the searching engine. To diversify the key words, there are some key words might be valuable to be added, such as homemade roast beans and featured beans. Moreover, I would like to suggest you to design your web page as following strategy. First of all, set your URL with key words which can direct the visitors to your landing page or web page. Secondly, build connections between your landing page and web pages. For example, landing page must have many categories about coffee beans, such as place of origin, honey process, fair trade, level of roast, and flavor (sour, bitter, and aroma).

The last reason why your web page does not rank is your web page’s quality. There are some index to determine how good your web page is: loading time, content, and bounce rate. First of all, loading time is an important factor that influence the conversion rate and ranking. Nowadays, people live in high speed environment. We have already gotten 4G cellular, and 5G cellular will be launched next year. These appearances make people be impatient. You have responsibility to minimize loading time as many as possible. Here are some helpful information: https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/speed-up-your-website/. Secondly, you should treat content more carefully because this will have direct impact to your rank. In online coffee bean shop case, you can have many categories as what I mentioned earlier; however, “you might need to check your content is not duplicate because Google has a algorithm to punish it”. Moreover, simplifying the web page is also your responsibility because people don’t have enough patient and focus to find the valuable information.

Reference: https://seo.co/why-isnt-my-website-ranking/ https://www.mondovo.com/keywords/coffee-keywords

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