Brad Withrow-Robinson, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension agent, Benton, Linn and Polk Counties, and Amy Grotta, OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension agent, Columbia, Washington and Yamhill Counties.

We are excited about recently finishing a Master Woodland Manager (MWM) training and welcoming a new group of MWM volunteers in the mid and north Willamette Valley. The 22 local landowners hail from Benton, Polk, Washington and Yamhill Counties, and bring a wide range of interests, experience and skills to the program. This advanced training included eight full days of classes and field tours, over four months, providing participants with lots of practical information and opportunities to share and learn from classmates.

For those not familiar with the program, Master Woodland Managers are trained volunteers who have completed this woodland management training presented by OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension specialists and agents, and other local forestry experts. The training covers a wide range of forest management topics meant to improve participants’ knowledge and management skills. Class topics include silviculture, wildlife, riparian and fish habitat, forest roads, timber harvest and marketing, and reforestation.
In return for this training, MWM volunteers contribute time in support of their local communities in many ways: MWMs are frequently a critical part of local landowner organizations (such as the Oregon Small Woodlands Association and Oregon Tree Farm System), and are often active on Watershed Council or Soil and Water Conservation District Boards. They are often hosts and presenters at Extension-sponsored education events, hosting property tours or demonstrations, or serving as instructors at events like Tree School. Some MWM volunteers do site visits, and will visit local properties to help landowners identify opportunities for improving their woodland stands and properties, identify sources of assistance and direct them to other resources.

The MWM program began over 35 years ago, right here in the mid-Valley. It is now a statewide program which has trained hundreds of volunteers across the state. These volunteers contribute thousands of hours annually to Extension and other community organizations.
MWM trainings rotate around the state, returning to a county only every 5 years or so. We anticipate another training in the Willamette Valley (Clackamas, Linn and Marion Counties) in late 2020, and possibly in Columbia and Coastal counties in 2021. If interested in the MWM program, contact us to find out about pre-requisites for the training and get on an interest list. You can also contact us to request assistance from a local MWM volunteer.
Brad Withrow-Robinson (Benton, Linn, or Polk Counties) (541) 713- 5016
Amy Grotta (Columbia, Washington and Yamhill Counties) (503) 397- 3462

MWM Class of 2019
Benton County
Diana Blakney – Corvallis
Dan Carr – Junction City
Gary Conner – Philomath
David Ehlers – Hoskins
Sarah Ehlers – Hoskins
Karen Fleck Harding – Wren
Darrell Oakes – Philomath
Dena Oakes – Philomath
Polk County
Marilyn Essex – Dallas
Erik Lamers – Salem
Michael Skindrud – Dallas
George Woodward – Dallas
Washington County
Delilah Ahrendt – Gales Creek
Marc Ahrendt – Gales Creek
John Dummer – Portland
Debi Lorence – Hillsboro
Yamhill County
Brett Aldrich – Amity
Leo Krick – Sheridan
Gordon Smith – Sheridan
Larry Stevens – McMinnville
Nicole Wood – McMinnville
Gary Woodward – Willamina