The NRCS in both Columbia and Washington Counties are now accepting Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) applications from forest landowners who want forest management plans. The application deadline is October 31, 2011. Approved applicants will receive cost-share funding to have a management plan written by a qualified professional.

Nathan Adelman, NRCS Soil Conservationist in Hillsboro says, “In Washington County, priority will be given to applicants who have 10 or more acres of forest and who agree to complete, with NRCS cost share, afforestation on 3 or more acres of land that is not now and has not recently been in forest. Basically, our office would like to help non-industrial forest landowners plant trees on land that is not currently wooded.”

Columbia County landowners should be receiving more information about the program in the mail, and a series of informational meetings will be held throughout the county during the second week of October.

For more information, contact:
Washington County NRCS: Nathan Adelman, 503-648-3174 ext. 101
Columbia County NRCS: Don Mehlhoff, 503-397-4555 ext. 105

One thought on “Sign up now to apply for forest management plan funding

  1. I have 6 acres of land, of which 4.5 are in forestland. Four years ago I have planted 1/2 acre of WV Ponderosa Pines and the mountain beaver have found them – and are killing them.It’s breaking my heart to see them dying. I need help with the long-neglected portion of my doug fir grove as well. Long ago someone planted many of them as Christmas trees, I think, and they are in sorry shape now. Amy Grotta has seen this piece of heaven and knows how much I need to make a plan. I also planted 100 WR cedars and 100 baby dougs – which are doing fine. Please call if you need more info: 503 313 6104 (cel).Thank you for considering me and my woodland for assistance.

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