Transform-able Identity/ies
Oregon State University, March 10–11, 2017
Friday, March 10th
Registration/Information Desk opens at 9:30 AM: near Milam Hall 319a
Roundtable Discussion:
Theories and Practices of Social Transformation
With: Bradley Boovy, Barbara Muraca, Elizabeth Sheehan, Lorenzo Triburgo (TBC),
Center for the Humanities
Autzen House
811 SW Jefferson Avenue
12:30-1:30 Lunch Break
Milam Hall 319a
Session 1:
Categorizing and Performing Identities
Milam Hall 319
Engineering Identity: Laid Bare and Radically Reimagined
Andrea Haverkamp
Oregon State University
Subtle Activism and Subtle Identity in Performance Art
Jared Opoien
University of North Texas
Visibility of Middle Eastern and North African Americans in the U.S.
Sami Nash
Oregon State University
On the Logic and Use of Social Institutions
James Taplin
Temple University
3:30-3:45 Coffee Break
Session 2:
Aesthetics and Philosophies Transforming Identity
Milam 319
Vanguard or Avant-Garde? Poised to Cure the Totality of Alienation
Alexander Riccio
Oregon State University
Cancelled– Rebellious Subjects: Ricoeur and Kierkegaard on Identity and Ideology
Michael Regier
University of Windsor, Canada
New to this slot: Complicit Suffering & Self Care
Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco
University of Connecticut
Transversal Sounds, Sonorous Thoughts: on Poetry and Philosophy
Joshua Kerr
University of Oregon
Moved to Saturday–Session 3: Dionysian Sensation Aesthetic Metaphysics in the Birth of Tragedy and the Art of Francis Bacon
Dean Patterson
Hendrix College
5:45-7:00 p.m. Dinner
for presenters and organizers: Milam Hall 319A
Chance to visit conference art gallery and exhibition on gender and fashion
Keynote Address by Harsha Walia
Undoing Border Imperialism
Social activist, journalist, author of Undoing Border Imperialism
7:00 p.m., Milam Hall Auditorium
Saturday, March 11th
9:30-10:00 a.m. Coffee Spread & Mingling (Milam 319A)
Session 3:
Ethics, Care and (Non)Human Relations
Milam 319
A Historical Look at Human-Animal Transformation
David Baumeister
University of Oregon
The Leveling of Sympathetic Imagination and the Conscientious Omnivore Movement
Bjørn Kristensen
Oregon State University
Narrative Identity and Environmental Justice in Whiteheadian Process Metaphysics
Russell J. Duvernoy
University of Oregon
Rediscovering Human Identity
Justin Nielsen
Oregon State University
Complicit Suffering & Self Care–moved to Friday Session 2
Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco
University of Connecticut
Dionysian Sensation Aesthetic Metaphysics in the Birth of Tragedy and the Art of Francis Bacon
Dean Patterson
Hendrix College
12:30-12:45 Coffee Break
Tour of art installation by Haley Egan (Oregon State University)
Session 4:
Visual Art Gallery Presentations
Avatar Identity
Melody Owen
Oregon State University
Transformative Politics for and from the Ordinary Person
Isamar Chavez
Oregon State University
What Does a Scientist Look Like?
Samm Newton
Oregon State University
2:15-2:30 pm Coffee Break
Panel Discussion with Dr. Jose Antonio Orosco
Toppling the Melting Pot
Milam 318
The Coalition for the 2017 Philosophy Graduate Conference Transform-able Identity/ies would like to extend a special thanks to the following people and organizations:
School of History, Philosophy, and Religion
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Spring Creek Project
Center for the Humanities
Citizens and Crisis Initiative
SPARK – Art & Science at OSU