What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

If you are trying to grow your business or increase sales it is very important to make sure your webpage has a high rank. The higher the rank, the higher your webpage will be listed as most people only click on the top few web pages off of Google or any other search engines. Here are a few helpful tips to increase your web page ranking.

Key Words

To start if off arguably the most important factor is the use of keywords. In order for a customer to find your webpage you need to have keywords that are associated with your page. Your keywords cant be random they need to be strategic, specific,and have high traffic. Your keywords should go hand and hand with the product you are trying to sell. Use a moderation of long and short key words as this will give you the best chance for your webpage to appear on the first page and get traffic. If you don’t know what keywords to use there are many websites out there that can help you find the right words with the highest traffic. 


Quality of quantity. Your content needs to be high quality, relevant, and recent. A factor that affects your SEO ranking is called dwell time. This relates to how much time people spend on your webpage so it is important to bring them value and keep them entertained. Just think for a sec and put yourself into the shoes of someone who is reading boring content. They will immediately close the page, never return and possibly give you a bad review killing your traffic and rank.  

Improve Your Page Loading Speed

It is important to make sure your webpage loading speed is fast. Not only does Google recognize this and will punish your ranking but research shows that 40% of individuals will adbanon a page after 3 seconds if it doesnt load. And to make things worse, research shows that 80% of the people won’t return to that page ultimately killing your traffic. If your page loads fast then people will keep coming back and Google algorithms will recognize your popularity and adjust your web page accordingly. 

Outbound Links

The last little helpful tip is to make sure you use credible links as linking to internal and external resources will help increase your rank. Make sure all of your data claims are trustworthy and linked to authoritative sources. Internal links will direct visitors to other pages of your web page. Overall I hope you enjoyed these few tips that will help you increase your landing page rank.


  • Fishkin, Rand. “How to Rank: The SEO Checklist.” Moz, Moz, 31 July 2019, moz.com/blog/rank-in-2018-seo-checklist.

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