Save the Dates for the Winter Hybrid Study Group

Our students are beginning to expect more and more online content and opportunities to access courses at home and during off times. How can we go about meeting these needs and designing quality hybrid courses? Join other faculty in the College of Ed. in actively working on hybrid course redesigns in a collaborative environment.  Bring your ideas, questions, and curriculum.


First meeting January 15, 10-11 Furman 411A  (Refreshments provided!)

Agenda for first Hybrid Study Group Meeting

  • Cub Kahn from the Center for Teaching and Learning will kick us off with a general discussion.  What is a hybrid course?  What are effective ways of doing hybrid?
  • Group will decide outcomes
  • Group will decide meeting time/length  (60 min or 90 min) and finalize dates.

Upcoming meeting dates

Jan 29, Furman 411A, 10-11:30

Feb 12, Furman 405, 1-2:30

March 5, Furman 405, 1- 2:30

March 19, Furman 405, 10-11:30

Please let either Cheridy or Jennifer know if you are interested or have any questions.  We hope to see you there!

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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