Winter Canvas Migration Series for On Campus College of Ed Instructors


3/12 Update: Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to the Technology Across the Curriculum team! Stay tuned for upcoming workshops.

The Technology committee invites all on-campus College of Ed instructors to a series of three workshops this winter term designed to migrate your courses to Canvas.  Even if you don’t use Blackboard and don’t think you need Canvas we encourage you to migrate your course and create a presence in Canvas. We are timing these workshops to support spring term course migrations, but if you would like to migrate a summer or fall course, you are welcome to attend.

On-Campus instructors — If you teach on-campus this spring please attend and let us help you! All meetings will be in Furman 404. Bring a laptop or let us know if you need one for the workshop. 

  1. Jan 29, 11:45-1:15 — Lynn Greenough from the Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC) will give us an overview of Canvas and the migration process.  (This will include learning to copy courses, creating and deleting elements, checking links, etc.)  There will be time to get started in your own course with TAC staff on hand.
  2. Feb 5, 11:45-1:15 — Work on your course in a workshop style with your colleagues in the College of Ed.   At this point you may be ready to rethink and rebuild elements that did not transfer well (blogs, wikis, tests, journals, nested folders, multiple prompt discussion forums).
  3. Feb 26, 11:45-1:15  —  Technology Across the Curriculum staff will once again join us. They will be available to answer questions as we continue building our courses.  Plan to continue to rebuild your course or add new elements that were not available in BlackboardWe can share the work we’ve done and learn together. 

You can come to all sessions or drop in for any amount of time during one session. If you can’t make it, check out other hands on migration workshops TAC is offering.

Ecampus instructors —  Ecampus will do much of this work for you. Please register for an Ecampus Migration Workshop that takes place on or before Feb. 26 to initiate the Ecampus support process and to have the course ready in time for spring term. Or fill out an Exception Request. This helps Ecampus keep track of which courses are in which system and better support students, especially in that first week of class.

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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