Unizin Information on Blendspace

unizinIn an effort to inform OSU College of Education Faculty about Unizin, Jennifer aggregated some sites.  Cheridy  took these sites and created this Blendspace as an example of one way to aggregate and share sites.  Check out the Unizin information on Blendspace! (Please note the dates of the articles. This is in the beginning stages and these articles are intended as a snapshot or beginning place to explore.)

Blendspace is a useful site for educators.  It can be used as we did for aggregating and sharing information, but it can also be used within the classroom. It is a quick way to share resources such as sites, videos, pictures, and documents in one place.  It integrates with Google Drive and Dropbox.  Some Oregon educators use it to disseminate information from Google Drive to students and parents in a click of a “share” button.  See examples on the Teacher Resource and Gallery pages.

Here’s a minute Blendspace overview video that explains how to get started.

How might you use Blendspace in an upcoming course or to share information?

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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