Canvas Transition Winter/Spring Information

51723129_ed620f2c5e_qIt’s time to think about transitioning to Canvas. This affords us some exciting opportunities to discuss online and hybrid best practices and to consider change. Here is some information to help us as we enter Winter 2014 and Fall 2015 terms. As you read through this, know you aren’t alone and Cheridy and Jennifer are planning upcoming PD throughout Winter and Spring to support this transition. In addition, Technology Across the Curriculum and Ecampus are offering webinars/workshops.

Blackboard-Canvas Transition Site  Go here for all information on the transition and migration including upcoming webinars/workshops and FAQs.

Winter 2015 is an “opt-in” term for teaching in Canvas. If you teach an on-campus course and would like to use Canvas in Winter term, submit an Early Adopter Request form by December 1st. If you teach an Ecampus course and want to teach it in Canvas Winter term, contact Shannon Riggs. Most Ecampus courses will be taught in Blackboard Winter 2015.

Transition schedule Starting with Spring 2015 and then continuing for Summer 2015 and Fall 2015, all courses (on campus and Ecampus) that are scheduled for a given term will be taught in Canvas. Exceptions are possible; please see the Migration FAQ page for more information.

Ecampus  Now is a good time to consider redeveloping or updating online courses.  You will receive support from Ecampus for doing so.  Instructors of Ecampus courses need to discuss the best option (fully develop, update, or just migrate) with program coordinators and complete the Ecampus Online Course Proposal and Canvas Migration form. Generally, full development requests need to be submitted two terms prior to being offered. “Update and migrate” requests need a term to a month. Migrations without updates may only need a couple weeks, but more time is recommend just in case.

Training and Time Commitment: There will be optional training opportunities in Furman during late November/early December for College of Education faculty. (Details TBA. Please stay tuned.)  Both TAC and Ecampus will offer extensive Canvas training and migration support to all OSU faculty, starting in November and continuing through the transition.

If you are teaching an Ecampus course in Spring 2015 or later, Ecampus recommends you “plan to attend a migration workshop and spend extra time prepping the course for Canvas during winter term (4-20 hours per course, with most courses taking about 4-10 hours). Ecampus migration workshops require registration and will be offered approximately twice each week throughout Winter term” (Ecampus Course Migration Only Form). Be aware the amount of time to set up your course in Canvas for both on-campus and Ecampus courses will vary depending upon several factors (see the FAQs). View upcoming webinars/workshops.  In addition, watch OSU Today announcements for opportunities.

Let Jennifer Bachman, Cheridy Aduviri, or Sara Wright know if you have questions.

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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