Spring Term LET Community Dates

LET (Learning Educational Technology) Community will meet in Furman 405 from 10-11:50 am on the following dates: Friday, April 28; May 19th; and June 9th.

You are welcome to come for the entire time or come and go as fits your schedule. We will continue to explore and learn together surrounding learning technologies. An ongoing theme that runs through our discussions is social justice and equity surrounding learning technologies in online learning spaces. One of our meetings will include hands-on learning with WebEx and other video conferencing tools.  Have another topic or educational technology tool you wish to explore? Let Cheridy or Jennifer know. Join us for coffee, tea, snacks and good conversation. Join us online in the Tech’d Out Learning Facebook Group.

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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