Spring Term LET Community Dates

hand-226708_640Mark your calendar for the Learning Educational Technology (LET) Committee Spring term dates! Join colleagues in the College of Education in community building surrounding learning technologies. Our broad plan is to focus on hands-on experience with learning technologies and to continue conversations surrounding online social justice started in our Winter All College meeting.  If you have any special requests for topics to discuss or ideas for guests, let either Cheridy or Jennifer know.

  • Fridays from 10-12 in Furman 405 on April 8th, May 13th, and June 3rd.

Can’t make a meeting? Join the conversation in the Tech’d Out Learning Facebook group.

We look forward to engaging conversation and tasty snacks. Hope to see you there!

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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