Learning Technologies with Language Learners



Here’s access to my presentation Why? How?When? and Which Tools? Learning Technologies with Language Learners. It’s divided into two parts. Part 1: Frameworks to view technology integration. (The why, the when and a bit of the how.) Part 2: The tools with some examples.

Don’t miss the “challenge” at the end.  1. Explore one of the categories interesting to you under the toolbox on When Tech Met Ed Resources. 2. Create something that may be used in your instructional setting. 3. Share your creation and the tool’s usefulness in supporting learning on this Padlet! Enjoy!

What framework(s) do you use to guide your integration of technologies in supporting language learning and/or content learning?

*This presentation was given to a group of university English instructors and to pre-service teachers in the College of Education.

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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