Hybrid Course Redesign Initiative Benefits

http://www.flickr.com/photos/snre/5114827205/This is a thank you to Cub Kahn in the Center for Teaching and Learning and Ecampus.  He is instrumental across OSU in leading discussions surrounding best practices in hybrid design.  It’s been my pleasure to work with him this year in both the College of Ed Winter Design Study Group and in the OSU Hybrid Course Redesign.

The Hybrid Course Redesign Initiative led by Cub brings together a learning community of instructors from across OSU. Guest speakers provide insights into related opportunities and glimpses into what is happening regarding hybrid and online design at OSU.  At the end of the course, OSU instructors present about their courses.  Our very own Julie Gess-Newsome has a nicely done screencast on the use of LiveBinders in her elementary science methods course. By far the most viewed presentation is Eric Weber’s about SED 412/512.  Recently, I presented this Prezi about my hybrid course redesign journey and course design called The Journey.

Find out more about the Hybrid Course Redesign funding and application.  The next deadline is June 12th.  There will be opportunities next year as well.

Here are a few useful resources related to hybrid courses that Cub shared this year.  In addition, Cub made an informative post, Moving Toward Universal Design, that introduces Universal Design and key people at OSU who work with it.  He also contributed Ideas for Assignments Using Social and Mobile Tools.   Check them out!

In a nutshell, thank you Cub!

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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