College of Education Winter Hybrid Study Group term 2014 the College of Ed is partnering with Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to offer a Hybrid course design Study Group. This is a pilot project focused on redesigning on-campus courses to offer a more diversified experience to students by utilizing the best of both face-to-face and online learning. This pilot study group is open to all faculty in the College of Ed., individuals or program teams, who want to get right in and redesign courses with support in a collaborative atmosphere.

If you or your program team are interested in joining the Winter Hybrid Study Group, please contact Cheridy Aduviri or Jennifer Bachman ASAP.  We will answer your questions or put you on our list of interested people. Sessions will be held in Furman.  Members will be asked to attend once to twice per month (frequency to be determined by the group.)

Cub Kahn is the Hybrid design expert in the OSU CTL and will lead this study group.  Here’s a link to some of his work.

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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