COE Collective Book Spine Poetry Creation Invite

“spring when the world is mud-luscious”  E.E. Cummin’s poem, in Just, always comes to mind this time of year, most frequently as I’m slipping or splashing in a puddle or caught in an Oregon downpour on a walk without an umbrella.

Poetry enriches.  Join me in a collective Book Spine Poetry something-or-rather.  You can start by helping me figure out a better title for it.  This is just for fun, but it has the potential to give a visual representation of who we are as a college.

I’ve written and explored Book Spine Poetry in my own way for the past few years.  If you don’t consider yourself a poet or even want to be one, no worries.  All that is needed are the books in your office or on your nightstand and a camera. 

  1. Stack a few of your favorite books together in a way that makes sense to you.
  2. Write down the titles of your books as a poem.  Create a title for your poem.
  3. Take a picture of your books.
  4. Email the picture and your poem to me. (Let me or Jennifer B. know if you want help.)
  5. Wait and anticipate.  I will collect them and we will compile them as a representation of what we are collectively reading in the COE.

It would be nice to receive at least one from each of the programs.

Find inspiration within the work of Nina Katchadourian.  Here are a few examples I made.

CA book 1

I know this much is true…

The world is open,

The sun also rises.

Where the sidewalk ends,

Let the great world spin.

CA book 2

The Outsiders:

Little Women,

The Girl Who Fell from the Sky,

Children of the River,

Invisible Man.


CA book 3

 The Call of the Wild

Two old women


The Chocolate War.


You can’t go home again


Interested in more? Here are posts I’ve written about Book Spine Poetry:  Part 1, Part 2.

Thanks to both the Tech Committee and CLD working group for their interest and support.

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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